Matthew Kouchi


I am studying for a B.S. in Computer Engineering in the Department of Engineering at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. I expect to graduate in Fall, 2023.

Interests: Metasurfaces, Communication Systems, Machine Learning, Embedded Systems, Control Systems


Campus Concert 2023-12-14

Campus Concert is a group web application developed to connect musicians on the University of Hawaii at Manoa campus.

Meteor React Bootstrap Databases Collaboration

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AMP Parkinsons Prediction Using Random Forests 2023-05-02

This project code contains multiple Jupyter Notebooks that imports open source data on proteins and peptides collected on medical patients. The goal of this project is to utilize this data to predict the MDS-UPDRS scores of the patients, which is a measure of the progression of Parkinsons disease.

Machine Learning Random Forests Supervised Learning Classification

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Radiation Pattern Testbed Automation 2023-02-14

A quick set of scripts I created to automate the manual testbed the UH Manoa liquid-metal electronics group was utilizing.

Virtual Interface SCPI GPIB PyVisa

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Sorting Visualizer 2022-01-07

A React web app that I developed to visualize the employment of various sorting algorithms on unorganized data.

Algorithms React App Javascript

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Applications of Sofware Engineering

13 Dec 2023

Introduction After finishing ICS 314 this semester, I really found a new appreciation for dynamic languages and the software principles that come with them. Initially, as a computer engineering major who enjoys more systems-based firmware, I wanted to trudge through...

Open Source Development Functional Programming Design Patterns

Work Smarter Not Harder

30 Nov 2023

Source: [1]. The Recipe to Success One of my favorite breakfast foods is fried rice and I often find myself making it on most weekends mornings. My favorite fried rice to eat has Portuguese sausage, but sometimes I make it...

Design Patterns Software Engineering

AI's Place In Education

18 Nov 2023

Source: “How will artificial intelligence (AI) Power New Learning in Education?,” College of Education, events/news/article/2023/02/08/the-power-of-ai-in-education (accessed Nov. 18, 2023). . Introduction Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a revolutionary way to embed software and machines with mock human intelligence....

AI Education ChatGPT

Modular UI Frameworks

04 Oct 2023

For the past few years of my academic engineering journey, I’ve been actively practicing something my advisor taught me: the HK method. It’s not anything official, in fact, I don’t even know what it stands for, but I do know...

Bootstrap UI Frontend Development

The Benefits of Multilingual Proficiency

30 Aug 2023

Over the summer of my sophomore year, I worked on a react web app using mainly Javascript. However I have never used it since, because the main coding languages I use as a computer engineering major are more low-level than...

Javascript Athletic Software Engineering Learning

Software Engineering for Systems

30 Aug 2023

At the end of every year in high school, they had us fill out an advising form where we had to list our career aspirations. Every year I wrote down electrical engineering. I had always enjoyed the more hands-on challenges...

Software Engineering Embedded Systems Systems Interests